Friday, January 22, 2016

Memo to all leagues: Please stop fan voting.

Memo to all leagues: Please stop fan voting.

If you know anything about life, you should know by now that not all heroes wear capes, not every musical artist deserves to win a grammy, and hell, the best worker in an establishment doesn't always get treated fairly and not all true employees of the month get their name up on that plaque in the break room. In our every day lives you can probably come up with a situation where someone got more credit than they deserved, and that's understandable. These things happen in life.

That being said, the purpose of all-star games and other related festivities are celebratory recognition for those who have accomplished more than the normal role player in a given season. Let me tell you, we are getting screwed out of that promise. The fans have a say in every all-star event across the four major professional sports, and I quite honestly can't remember the last time there wasn't controversy or obvious blasphemy within the black and white print of the final ballots.

There are two types of fans: There's the casual, watch the primetime game and Monday night football game, and then there are fans who wake up and go to sleep to SportsCenter. There are fans who live to drive alone in their cars so that they can listen to sports talk radio. These fans can probably tell you more about your favorite then you can at times. We all love the game but the people who are pained the most by fan voting are these people such as myself.

If there's one thing I know about sports fans, it's that we are two things:

Biased, and stubborn.

You wouldn't believe the bias I hear on a daily basis. I've heard wide ranges of juicy predictions soaked in bias this year. Everything from "The Lakers will make the playoffs" to "Duke is going to repeat in college basketball" to "Michigan is going to beat Ohio State". What's wrong with all of these statements? They're all ridiculously outrageous and come from the mouths of those who support that certain team.

So how are all of these predicitons looking now?

The Lakers are in dead last in the west, Duke has lost three straight games, and Michigan was bent over and spanked like a bunny in Lamar Odom's hidden sanctuary.

Bias is a poison in the opinionated sports world, and am I saying i've never been biased? That's absolutely not what i'm saying. My point is if there's one thing it's destroying it's the fairness of those that truly deserve to represent the league as an all-star.

Kobe Bryant leads the NBA in all-star voting this season. Guys like Steph Curry, LeBron, Kevin Durant all have less by a far margin, and Laker fans across the country who have no relation or root from Los Angeles whatsoever simply just know that Kobe was once their savior for their bandwagon championship dreams and due to that they think that he instantly deserves an all-star spot. Draymond Green was voted third behind Kawaii Leanard, who yes deserves all the recognition and he is an all star in his own right, but third behind ZAZA PACHULIA... SERIOUSLY? A guy with three straight triple doubles this season on a team on the cusp of being 40-4, on a team led a by a rookie coach for half the season.. is behind Zaza Pachulia. Really? What is wrong with you people?

Also before all of you Laker fans who have vaseline next to your bedstand dedicated to a slew of Kobe highlight videos in your browser history.. here's a friendly reminder that Tim Duncan may retire this season... Duncan has five rings, three finals MVP's two season MVP's and a fifteen time all star... but where is his fanfare?

Granted I don't give a damn. That is not what this topic is about. The topic is about someone in the Western Conference that is going to get clearly snubbed by a guy who is bricking twenty jumpshots a night (if he is even on the floor for that given night).

Let's move on and continue to analyze my point that most of you that are wearing purple and gold probably at this exact moment are already pissed off at. For starters, the captains in the NHL all-star game this year: Alexander Ovechkin, Jaromir Jagr, Patrick Kane, and....... John Scott?


Yes, John Scott. A defensemen that specializes in laying out the victims receiving a suicide pass and collecting purposeful penalty minutes. More than half of the time, John Scott is healthy scratch in the lineup. He has one goal this season in eleven games and eleven points in his entire eight year career. John Scott is representing the Pacific division in the Western Conference for the Arizona Coyotes. This is taking place despite not only Scott currently being apart of the Montreal Canadiens organization, he isn't even on the Canadiens roster!!! He plays for the ST. JOHN'S ICECAPS! A TEAM THAT IS IN THE AHL! We must put a stop to this! Where's the commissioner? I demand a recount!

Oh right, the commissioner is Gary Bettman. Now all of this idiocy makes sense. Let's leave it up to the guy who's had more lockouts than Tom Cruise has ex-wives to make any mess of a situation right.

How can this be? The NHL completely dropping the ball on things? Gary Bettman looking like a complete idiot? God forbid! That almost NEVER happens right?

If you can't sense my point turn off your phone or computer right now and go take a one hour class on sarcasm. You need it, buddy.

I get absolutely giddy when the NHL looks stupid. I love Hockey, but I love when the NHL looks themselves in the mirror and knows they've messed up. Every single time that this topic has been brought up in press conferences league officials have voiced clear disdain and displeasure. Bill Daly can barely make a statement about it without gritting his teeth, and Gary Bettman again uses his IQ of seventy six to muster every power in his being to simply take a page out of the penguins in the movie Madagascar's playbook; Just simply smile and wave boys.... Smile and wave.

This surely is not the first time fan voting has been completely off. In 1957 the MLB All-star game in Cincinnati included seven Cincinnati RedLeg position players out of the eight starting in the game. This vote included names like Gus Bell and Wally Post to be in the lineup over names like Willie Mays and Hank Aaron. Like the league wasn't going to look at that and immediately know something was wrong. Investigations launched by Commissioner Ford Frick revealed that an overwhelming amount of votes came from Cincinnati. Gee, doesn't this story sound familiar? (I'm looking at you Kansas City)

There are few things that irk me more in life than biased and blind sports fans. I should just let them be, admittedly. Nothing will ever change some fans minds of how they feel and that's perfectly fine. It's a free world, do what you want. I just think it's time to be fair to those who live and breath this. Yes it is just a game, but for some of us we prefer to see the best product on the floor over the guy with a great legacy. Kobe deserves to be honored and remembered but he is way past his prime, yeah Laker fans go ahead and kill me for stating facts. I'm a horrible person I know. This is my opinion and this is my blog so nonetheless if you have a problem with it that's really your problem.

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